
GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH
Paul-Wassermann-Str. 5
81829 München
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Don't miss out: Register now and secure an early bird price

You would like to secure your spot at the most important industry meeting place for the baking and confectionery industry? Then register today!

An overview of all information about iba 2025

We want to help you prepare for iba 2025 in the best possible way. Here you will find all the relevant information.  



When & Where 

iba 2025 will take place from 18 to 22 May at the fairground Düsseldorf.

Site plan  

Get an idea of the halls in Düsseldorf. 

Check out the plan

Location Düsseldorf

iba will take place in Düsseldorf in 2025. The location offers exhibitors numerous advantages - including access to new visitors from the Benelux countries. You can read about the additional benefits here.

All advantages




You would like to exhibit at iba for the first time?

You haven't exhibited at iba yet, but don't want to miss your chance?
Please use the registration form and we will get in touch with you.

Go to form  

Have you already exhibited at iba?

It's great to have you back! You can register directly at the iba 2025 exhibitor portal using your e-mail address. Just remember to give yourself a new password when you log in for the first time. You can find detailed instructions here.

Visit exhibitor portal



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